RSS Ground Change Log March 2018

Based on your feedback and reviews we do our best to make RSS Ground the most effective and efficient service in its niche. We also follow our development plan by adding more options and features, improving user interface as well as updating our backend software and upgrading the hardware. Please see the list of our recent updates:

Production Servers Upgrade

Number of our users is constantly growing and that increases the load on our servers. To make sure the service continues to work stable, without downtimes and glitches we have decided to upgrade to more powerful servers.

The perfect outcome of this upgrade is that you won’t notice the difference. The service should continue working as smoothly as before. However data processing speed can still be noticeable.

The best part of the upgrade is that now we can scale our server resources according to our needs. Together with the service growth we can grow the power of our servers without effecting service operation.

New Posting Campaigns Manager

To make it easier to manage all of your created posting campaigns we’ve rolled out a new posting campaigns manager.

  • All posting campaigns are now displayed in a single table. You can easily search, filter and sort your campaigns as well as also conduct bulk actions with them.
  • Copy – is a new feature added with this update. Now you can create a copy of your existing posting campaign with just one click.
  • Posting campaigns table is 100% responsive. You can comfortably work with it from your phone or tablet.

Read more about managing posting campaigns

Facebook Feeds now have full size images

We have been working on improving of our Facebook Feeds tool lately. Now after the update, your Facebook feeds contain full size images instead of just 130×130 thumbnails.

You can now see that Facebook feeds look better in Feeds Reader and content widgets and previews. No need to regenerate them. Your current feeds will be automatically updated.

Facebook Feeds is one of the most popular sources of targeted content in our service. With a help of this tool you can generate a self-updating feed of any Facebook page and then use it in your posting campaigns, content widgets or simply save it to your Feeds Reader.

Learn more about Facebook Feeds generator

Feeds Reader "magazine view" fix

We have received several reports on a problem with displaying feeds’ images in Feeds Reader when using a magazine view. This problem was fixed. We have also updated Feeds Reader engine code and now it should work faster.

Feeds Reader is the best way to categorize your favorite content feeds and follow all recent updates.

Learn more about Feeds Reader

We are also working a new version of our Feeds Reader which will have a far more advanced content parser which will allow you to preview practically all types of content feeds including RTF.

Besides it will contain some advanced features like ability to create custom feeds with your own content or items from other feeds. This new Feeds Reader is planned for May, 2018. Follow our updates.

New Amazon "access keys" tutorial

Once before, in order to obtain Amazon access keys, which are used for generating Amazon Feeds, you had to sign up for Amazon Web Service.

But now you can migrate from AWS and manage your Access keys in your Amazon associates account in Product Advertising API section.

But be aware! As soon as you generate a new set of Amazon access keys in Product Advertising API section your previous keys from AWS account will stop working and all of your generated Amazon feeds will also stop working. You will have to regenerate your Amazon feeds using your new keys.

Read more about obtaining, managing and migrating of Amazon keys in our updated user tutorial.

Please enjoy!

We keep improving RSS Ground and make it more powerful and efficient. And we of course consider all your suggestions and ideas in our development plans. Don’t hesitate to contact our support team with any feedback. We are always here to help and assist.

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